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Tune in for inspiring stories and authentic conversations about missionary discipleship and the Unleash the Gospel Pastoral Letter in southeast Michigan. Our current podcast Open Door Policy features dynamic discussions with local Catholics — clergy, religious and laity. 

Open Door Policy

Open Door Policy is a podcast hosted by Fr. Steve Pullis, Director of Evangelization, Catechesis and Schools for the Archdiocese of Detroit, and Danielle Center, a parishioner at St. Augustine and St. Monica Parish. In each episode, Fr. Steve and Danielle talk with guests from across the Archdiocese of Detroit who are living as joyful missionary disciples.

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Eyes on Jesus

Tune in every month as Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit, shares his vision for the missionary transformation of the Church in southeast Michigan and talks about the early fruits of our movement to Unleash the Gospel. Archbishop Vigneron is joined by hosts Mary Wilkerson, parishioner at St. Michael Parish…

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